Korean Hip-hop, underground Scene and Musical Industry (HYBRID)

Discipline : Arts & Media
Speaker(s) : Amos Farooqi (Copenhagen University)
Language : English

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Original time zone : 2025-02-24 12:15 Oslo (Europe/Oslo)
My local time zone : 2025-02-24 12:15 ()
posted by Nadja Nielsen

On February 24, 2025 (Monday), 12.15 to 14.00 (CET), Oslo University plans to hold an EPEL guest lecture by Amos Farooqi (Copenhagen University), "Korean Hip-hop, underground Scene and Musical Industry". The lecture is originally intended for Oslo University students (the course KOR1506 - South Korean Popular Culture), but, since it is a hybrid event with a broad potential appeal, we decided to allow Zoom participation from outside of the university as well. The Zoom link is above.


"This lecture explores the development and function of music scenes in relation to the commercial music industry through the case study of the Korean hip-hop scene and its relationship to the wider commercial entertainment industry in Korea. The relationship between the Korean hip-hop scene and the local commercial entertainment industry, which is personified by the oligopolistic control of a handful of major conglomerates and K-Pop labels, reveals the obstacles independent music production faces in the country and the uneven relations of power that permeate the Korean music industry."

If the Zoom link above does not work:

Meeting ID: 628 1838 2867

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