Translation Asia (HYBRID Roundtable)

Discipline : Literature & Linguistics
Speaker(s) : David Mark Larsson (Japanese, Psychiatric Research Unit, Region Zealand), Hanne Arnold (Japanese, translator), Karin Jakobsen (Korean, University of Copenhagen), Marion Eggert (Korean/Chinese, Ruhr University Bochum), Peter Damgaard (Chinese, translator), Sidse Laugesen (Chinese, translator), Simon Darø Kristensen (Korridor), Sora Kim-Russelll (Korean, translator), and Barbara Wall (moderator, University of Copenhagen)
Language : English

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posted by Nadja Nielsen



Time: 25 Oct. 2024, 10:30-12:00

Place: South Campus, room 10-3-28 (building 10, floor 3, room 28) or via Zoom

Organizer: Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies / Barbara Wall


What is a good translation? How does translation affect our perception of the original? What do we loose when we limit language skills to English and discard language training in other languages, especially in Chinese, Japanese and Korean? One of the aims of this roundtable is to raise the awareness of how important it is to learn languages to understand cultures. English alone is not the key to global understanding. We will discuss these and other questions with the following group of translators: David Mark Larsson (Japanese, Psychiatric Research Unit, Region Zealand), Hanne Arnold (Japanese, translator), Karin Jakobsen (Korean, University of Copenhagen), Marion Eggert (Korean/Chinese, Ruhr University Bochum), Peter Damgaard (Chinese, translator), Sidse Laugesen (Chinese, translator), Simon Darø Kristensen (Korridor), and our special guest from Korea Sora Kim-Russelll (Korean, translator).

Everyone is welcome to join us on campus or via Zoom

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