KSCC 2024: Diversity (DAY 1, IN PERSON)

Discipline : Society
Speaker(s) : Yonson Ahn (Goethe University Frankfurt), Byung Kuk Woo (Korea Foundation, Berlin Office), David Oh (Syracuse University), Hyunsun Yoon (University of London), Hewa Pathirannehalega Sajitha L. Hewapathirana (Hallym University), Jing Peng (University of Hong Kong), Yeojin Kim (University at Buffalo/Singapore Institute of Management), Hee-seung Irene Lee (University of Auckland), Valerie Soe (San Francisco State University), Sara Librenjak (York St. John University, Casandra Chistinean (Goethe University), Xiaohan Yi (Nanyang Technological University), Su-Jin Song (TH Köln University of Applied Sciences), Jay Hee-jeong Sohn (Kyung Hee University), Vivien Nara (University of Sydney), and Vladislava Mazana (Charles University, Prague)
Language : English

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Original time zone : 2024-06-07 9:00 Frankfurt (Europe/Berlin)
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posted by Nadja Nielsen


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11th Korean Screen Culture Conference hosted by the Korean Studies


Goethe University

Campus Westend

SKW Building, Hörsaal B

Frankfurt, Germany

Please find the program above.

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