Neutrality, Unification and East Asian Studies in Scandinavia: A Reappraisal of the Late Prof. Seungbog Cho's Ideas and Scholarship (HYBRID)

Discipline : Other
Speaker(s) : Bert Edström (Institute for Security and Development Policy), Vladimir Tikhonov (Oslo University), Sonja Haeussler (Stockholm University), Kyounghwa Lim (Chung-Ang University), and Wonhyong Cho (Berlin Free University)
Language : English

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Original time zone : 2024-09-30 10:15 Uppsala (Europe/Stockholm)
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posted by Nadja Nielsen

중립, 통일, 그리고 스칸디나비아에서의 동아시아 연구: 故 조승복 교수의 사상과 학술적 업적의 재조명

Neutrality, Unification and East Asian Studies in Scandinavia: A Reappraisal of the Late Prof. Seungbog Cho's Ideas and Scholarship

본 워크숍은 스톡홀름대의 고 조승복 교수 (1922-2012)의 학술적 업적과 통일, 중립, 평화 사상 및 운동, 통일 구상 등을 재평가하여 보다 심층적으로 그 현재적 의미를 이해하기 위해 계획되었다. 북구에서 전후에 한국학과 일본학을 개척한 고 조승복 교수는 한중일 삼국 언어역사학과 문화역사학 분야에 있어서 뛰어난 학술적 업적을 남겼을 뿐만 아니라 오랫동안 한반도 평화 운동, 반전 운동, 통일 운동, 남북한 언어 동질화 운동, 그리고 한국의 권위주의 정권 시기의 해외 민주화 운동 등을 전개한 열성적 활동가형 학자이기도 했다. 이 워크숍에서는 조승복의 생애 및 평화·중립 운동의 이념, 일본 문화사에 대한 이해, 북한 지식인과의 연결, 언어학적 기여 등에 대해 다양한 조명이 이루어질 예정이다.

This workshop aims at reappraisal of the significance of the late Stockholm University Professor Seungbok Cho’s (1922-2012) academic achievements as well as his ideas on Korean unification, neutrality and peace and his role in the Korean democratization movement. Professor Seungbog Cho, a Korean political émigré, pioneered Korean and Japanese studies in Northern Europe after the war. He left outstanding academic achievements in the fields of Korean, Chinese, and Japanese language and cultural history. At the same time, he was also an enthusiastic activist-cum-scholar who long engaged in the Korean peace, anti-war, and unification movement. He was engaged in struggle for Korea’s democratization and led the movement for restoring North-South linguistic homogeneity in the 1990s. This workshop will shed light on various aspects of Seungbog Cho’s life course and peace/neutrality ideas, his understanding of Japanese cultural history, his connections with North Korean intelligentsia, and his linguistic contributions.

주최: 스톡홀름대, 국제고려학회 유럽지부; Organized by: Stockholm University, European Branch of the International Society for Korean Studies (ISKS)

후원: 국제고려학회 Sponsored by the International Society for Korean Studies (ISKS)

Workshop Venue: Uppsala University, Sweden

Date: September 30, 2024 (Mon)

Hybrid event: on-line attendance via Zoom:

Meeting ID: 640 5896 7313

(Central European Time)


Introduction to the workshop


Twists and Turns in the Life of a Remarkable Scholar

Bert Edström

(Institute for Security and Development Policy)




Cho Seung-bog, An Academic Life in Overlapping Contact Zones

Vladimir Tikhonov

(Oslo University)




Cho Seungbog's Encounters with North Korean Intellectual life

Sonja Haeussler

(Stockholm University)






On the Position of Neutrality Disallowed in Korea: Cho Seung-Bog’s Anti-War and National Unification Movement

Kyounghwa Lim

(Chung-Ang University)




A Korean Linguist in Scandinavia: Characteristics and Significance of Cho Seung-bog's Linguistic Theories

Wonhyong Cho

(Berlin Free University)




General Discussion

All participants (on- and off-line), Robert Winstanley-Chesters (Edinburgh University), Suk-Hi Cho (Stockholm University)


Review of Cho Seung-bog's collection in the Special Collections Reading Room of Carolina Rediviva (offline)

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